LTS receives notice of allowance for U.S. patent related to Asenapine patch
LTS Lohmann Therapie-Systeme AG, the market leader for the development and manufacturing of transdermal therapeutic systems, announced today that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued the notice of allowance for its U.S. Patent Application 16/788,128 entitled “Transdermal Therapeutic System Containing Asenapine“. The patent application discloses transdermal therapeutic systems with Asenapine. The patent covers LTS’ proprietary development of a twice-weekly Asenpine transdermal therapeutic system.
“At LTS, we care about making patients’ lives better. We created a transdermal patch for Asenapine to solve unmet needs in the treatment of mental disorders such as schizophrenia, helping patients, their family members and their care-givers to manage symptoms more effectively,” said Bas van Buijtenen, Chief Executive Officer of LTS. “This patent expands our global IP portfolio, delivering to our partners a solid protection of future Asenapine products.”
About LTS: LTS Lohmann Therapie-Systeme AG is a leading pharmaceutical technology company that develops and manufactures innovative drug delivery systems such as Transdermal Patches (“TTS”) and Oral Thin Films (“OTF”) for the pharmaceutical industry. LTS´ commercial offering encompasses more than 20 marketed products and a diverse pipeline of more than 30 development projects targeting multiple disease indications. LTS’s innovation pipeline contains both partner-funded as well as proprietary, LTS-funded projects. LTS maintains its leading position through the continuous refinement of its core TTS and OTF technologies and by advancing emerging drug delivery technologies, including Micro Array Patches for the transdermal delivery of large molecule, biological actives. Founded in 1984, LTS operates today from two sites in Andernach, Germany and West Caldwell, NJ, USA and a representative office in Shanghai, China.
Contact: Dr. Iris Schnitzler, iris.schnitzler@ltslohmann.de